mobile app development

Get scalable technology solutions for your business based on your future growth requirements

We are all about delivering bespoke cross-platform mobile solutions designed to grow.

What do we specialise in?

We specialise in cross-platform mobile app development and have a deep commitment to delivering custom solutions that cater to our clients' current business needs, while keeping an eye on future scalability.

Our native applications run seamlessly on iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows by unifying them within a single common framework.

We design them to work seamlessly on mobile phones, tablets, and wearables, providing a smooth user experience across all devices.


PERIPHERAL devices integration

property management

delivery tracking

What technologies do we use?

Our expertise lies in the development of cross-platform mobile applications using .NET MAUI (formerly Xamarin) and Flutter technologies.

We accelerate mobile app development by leveraging their frameworks and libraries.

This enables rapid prototyping, seamless feature integration and efficient deployment across multiple platforms.


With .NET MAUI (formerly Xamarin), we offer specialised development services for creating robust and scalable applications that deliver a seamless user experience, combining the benefits of native performance with the cost-effectiveness of a single codebase.


With Flutter, we can develop custom mobile apps with beautiful, smooth animations and custom user interface, providing an engaging and unique user experience.

Integrating Buform, our specialized library, amplifies the benefits provided by native cross-platform technologies.


With Buform, we can streamline the development process even more:

- Expect more reliable and stable applications
- Save time and cut the development costs
- Get your application to market faster
- Avoid costly and time-consuming debugging processes
- Achieve improved application performance and customer satisfaction

By leveraging the latest features and tools in .NET MAUI and Flutter, we can deliver custom-tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.

How can we help you?


New application development

Build a new mobile application to gain maximum control over design and features, allowing you to create the app with future growth in mind.

Existing application reengineering

Apply the most effective methods to create a better version of your application:
- Enhance design, functionality, and usability of the app
- Resolve issues with the app speed and stability
- Ensure compatibility with the latest technologies and platforms
- Update security measures to reduce the risk of user data breaches
- Cut operating and maintenance costs
New features implementation
Improve product usability by adding new features, such as:
- Cloud integration for data storage and access
- Offline mode support
- Integration with social media and other third-party services
- Content personalisation by using in-app analytics
- Location-based services and maps integration
- Embedding video and multimedia content
- Payment system integration
Mobile DevOps integration
Speed up delivery of new features and bug fixes with:
- Automated testing and continuous integration (CI)
- Automated deployment (CD)
- Instant reports and feedback
- Implementing version control and staging
- Performing regression testing
- Monitoring ratings on app stores to keep up with future enhancements
Test automation
Get assistance with testing your app (UI Tests and Unit Tests) to reduce human errors and detect bugs before they become more complex and expensive to fix.
Application upgrade
Get assistance in upgrading your mobile application to the latest version.

Our team suggest and implement the most appropriate upgrades to make it more functional, reliable, and secure.

Trust us to upgrade Xamarin to .NET MAUI!
Support & Maintenance
Ensure that the released application continues to meet user needs and remains functional and secure.

Have a quick response to user and technical issues with 24/7 monitoring of mobile app metrics to identify issues and crashes.
Technology migration
Migrate your application from any technology to a cross-platform technology (.NET MAUI & Flutter), keeping current functionality while reducing the effort required to maintain a separated code base for multiple platforms.

Unsure of what you require?

Consult with our Chief Technology Officer to find the right service for your business.

Get expert guidance from our CTO

What do you get?

A mobile application that is designed to work seamlessly on both iOS and Android, as well as on wearable devices.

This ensures your users can access and interact with your application on a variety of devices, providing a consistent and convenient experience regardless of which device they use.

Technical documentation

Detailed source code documentation, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how your application was built and the technical details behind its functionality.

This will be useful for future updates and development, as well as for troubleshooting any issues that may arise.

Analytics tools

Advanced analytics tools, giving you deep insights into how your users are interacting with your application.

This data is invaluable for optimising your user experience and making informed decisions about future development.

Security measures

State-of-the-art security measures, designed to reduce the risk of user data breaches and ensure the protection of sensitive information.

With these measures in place, you can instill confidence in your users and ensure that their personal data is secure.

Code rights

Full ownership and control of the application source code, allowing you to have complete flexibility and control over its development and future updates.

This is a valuable asset for your business, as it can be used to build and grow your brand over time.

Denys Fiediaiev, CEO&CTO at FEDANDBURK

Denys Fiediaiev, CEO & CTO at FEDANDBURK

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